Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Notes from the Hammock: Unscripted Childhood
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A River Runs Through It
I never really think of myself as particularly "artistic," mainly because when I draw or paint with my three year old son, well let's just say I haven't progressed much in my rendering ability since my childhood. But, I've recently begun to realize I tend to think in pictures. When I'm having discussions with people, and I'm articulating my point, I usually have distinct metaphorical images in my mind.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A Constant Gardener
My husband likes to say, "track-record, track-record," when referring to the true nature of people. Many times I protest that he is being overly cynical, but I have to concede that often times he is correct. My track record is that I am a "serial starter," but not always a faithful “finisher." This probably causes me the most angst when I'm trying to find my way, whether that is figuring out how to parent, or how to realize my intentions and goals. I often feel frustrated that the bloom of enthusiasm can so easily wither on the vine. The metaphor is apt, because without care and tending, what started out with so much potential can be allowed to degrade and ultimately die out. As a mother, that keeps me awake at night, fretting over every misstep and implication of my bumbling through the daily challenges of raising my children. But surprisingly it isn't a given, and this gives me great hope.
Monday, April 19, 2010
It's a Question of What You Give Your Focus To
I've been quiet blog wise the last week or two. Life was mostly busy with the celebration of my firstborn's third birthday, which was so much fun, because this year he "gets" the hoopla. In fact, he thinks that every Tuesday is his birthday at the moment. All wants and desires are prefaced with "maybe after nappy? On my birthday, on Tuesdays?" I tell you, moments I want to hug him tight and tell him to "full stop" getting any older than this magical age! That is until the next tantrum, because his burgeoning will has been thwarted by the tyrannical Mother Overlord. In those moments, I'm projecting forward 20 years and hoping like hell I've made the right decisions to help him come out the other end with both of our sanity in tact.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
And God Said: "You're Not the Boss of Me"
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." – Jeremiah 29:11
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
On Turning Three: Happy Birthday Big Kidlet
My "baby" is turning three. He's becoming his own little person. Things are changing, and I'm trying to roll with it, and not tremendously gracefully I might add. When he was a young toddler, he used to sit in my lap nightly as I rocked and asked me to keep singing. Now, when I start to sing randomly during our day, more often than not, he turns to me indignantly and commands me: "Don't sing mommy, don't siiiiiiiiinnnnnggg!" Really? Already? I thought I had a few more years of being the coolest thing since...oh wait...that would be his father. In a myriad other ways he's already starting to pull away from me...and wait, I need a tissue.
- the things that come out of his mouth right after he wakes up...easily the sweetest, funniest, and most insightful things he says all day;
- his skin, it's so, so soft, just like The Husband's. Seriously women pay big money to get skin like this;
- his eyelashes...see above...it's really pretty unfair;
- his imagination...I love to listen to him in his bed on the monitor;
- his zest, and oh I pray I help him keep it;
- that he loves books like his mama;
- that he wants to help;
- that he asks questions;
- that he loves his grandparents, and my sister-in-law, even when I don't;
- that he points out trucks everywhere we go;
- that he is a "good sleeper";
- his laugh;
- that he has a sense of humor (he'll need it);
- that he loves breakfast like I do;
- that he's starting to dance;
- that he can carry a tune;
- that he hums when I hug him like I do;
- that he goes down stairs cautiously and tells me "I be careful, mommy";
- that he has a tremendous memory (although this can be a challenge);
- that he doesn't complain, and rarely whines (I know this could change);
- that he stands up for himself;
- his eyes, and incredibly his eyebrows, which are the mirror image of mine;
- that he seems to have an independent streak, and I pray that he is more at peace with it than I have ever been;
- his naked bottom as he is streaking down the hallway to his bath.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Inside Voice(s): Sometimes It Gets A Little Loud and Crowded
I had one of those snarky interior dialogue moments today talking with another mother (well actually more listening, she was doing most of the talking), where I thought to myself, "Well, don't YOU just have it ALL figured out..." Thankfully, my inner editor was on the job and saved me from uttering this pretty rude observation. My inner moralizer also popped up to chastise me (always quick to join the fray) , and helpfully explain to me, myself, and I, that I was just jealous about what I perceived to be someone who was having an easier time of it. Then the inner rationalizer joined the party upstairs (it gets kinda crowded in my head sometimes) and started picking away at the conversation by pointing out the challenges this woman lacked (and I have). Truly, I wanted to tell them all to go to...well, you can finish that sentence.
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Stain of a Mother's Love
How do you view your stretch-marks? When my head is screwed on straight and I have proper appreciation for all of my blessings, I consider them a badge of motherhood honor. I try to think that they are the record of the amazing things my body has done, and tell a bit about the life this body has lived, sort of like the rings of a tree trunk.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Love...Pure and Simple
This is just a quick post to say how much I love and appreciate my husband. An old friend reminded me today that I am so happy I married someone who grew up, but who knows how to be kid-like (in a good way). He's not perfect, he doesn't seem to mind that neither am I (clearly), and I appreciate that he makes a choice everyday to be a stand-up guy. And, when I look into Little Kidlet's eyes, which are the same as his daddy's, I melt.
Friday, March 26, 2010
I Feel Rotten, Oh So Rotten: A Beauty Intervention
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Depression is Not a Life Sentence for Your Children (I Pray)
Recently an article in the Los Angles Times reported, "Evidence is mounting that growing up with a depressed parent increases a child's risk for mental health problems, cognitive difficulties and troubled social relationships." This is one of my greatest fears. That's because in my own experience I know this to be true. As I read this article, it definitely struck a chord for me. It's something I worry about often, and in those moments when I fail to hold it together as a parent grappling with my own demons, I beat myself up stridently for this reason.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. ~Swedish Proverb
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Separate, but O.K...Eventually
The thing with depression that throws me for a loop are the peaks and valleys. One minute I'll be coping very well and feel I've got a handle on it, I'm happy even, but the next a mighty storm blows in and I'm right down in it once again. On the peak days, I chide myself, "see, you're just being a drama queen about a few bad days, you're doing fine." But on the rough days, I know this isn't something to be taken lightly, the tone of my thoughts is way to scary to be dismissed. It's when those thoughts become highly analytical that it really gets downright chilling.
Monday, March 22, 2010
I, Being of Sound Mind and Body...
"Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
Watch your words; they become your actions.
Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
My verse of prayer and meditation this week is 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV):
Monday, March 15, 2010
When Enough is Enough: Post-Partum Depression
This weekend was rough, no two ways about it. While we all eagerly awaited the arrival of The Husband from "The Business Trip That Would Not End," I decided in my desperation to leave the house, and my bull-headed determination to attend the HUGE children's consignment sale I had had on my calendar for months, to load up the kiddos and bring them with me into bargain hunting mayhem. I felt wildly guilty bringing them, felt the sanction of the other veterans there for even thinking of it, much less attempting it. I mean "what kind of woman brings a 3 year old boy and a 6 month old infant to a cramped, slightly avaricious exercise in economy?"
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mama Take Note, There is "Fun" in Functional
A good day. I don't mind saying I was a little scared, given how things have been lately to send off The Husband for a few days and go it solo. But I'm happy to say that more than halfway through and everyone is still in one piece, and in fact we have been... enjoying each other. I know, right?!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
On Scarlett O'Hara, Attachment Parenting, and Prayer
Oh Scarlett O'Hara in all her crazed and delusional glory would be so very proud of me. I've been "After all...tomorrow is another day"-ing myself silly these last few weeks. We, and by "we," I mean Big Kidlet and I, have hit a mother of a rough patch and we are keeping our seats, but just barely. Each day as the sun sets, I resolve to try again the next day to navigate the deep and treacherous ruts on this particular fork of the road we find ourselves on, and not fall prostrate in the mud, thrashing and flinging it all about (metaphorically speaking of course, but hopefully you get the picture).
- My prayer of puzzle is why when I so fiercely love these children it is so surprisingly easy to hurt them in my own brokenness.
- My prayer of petition is that God will guide my son in stilling his own anger and hurt even when his parents are not capable of guiding him.
- My prayer of praise is that despite my brokenness, in those frightening moments of despair, a voice continues to tell me to try.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Everything is Just Fine (Sure It Is)
I've been delaying posting something all day, and now it's late and I'm telling myself I'm now to tired to do anything of quality. It's a perfectionist thing. But then I remember my commitment to just write something, good, bad, or indifferent. Here we go...